9 weeks old

23 Jan

Mae Lynne is 9 weeks old today. She is cuter and lovelier every day.




At 9 weeks, Mae likes to play on her mat, talk to her toys (particularly totoro) and watch everything that goes on around her.
Last night she slept for 5 and a half hours which is a record, but she’s a stubborn sleeper during the day šŸ˜‰ unless she’s in someone’s arms, she’s pretty much awake…


She smiles, chuckles and frowns in her sleep, practising all her expressions and hopefully having sweet dreams.
Although she’s not keen on getting in her pram, once she’s in there and we’re moving she either falls asleep or gazes out of the little window. I think she will be quiet and wise, and enjoy sitting and taking it all in.


Yesterday, we used her library card (which we got at 4 weeks old) for the first time. I think there’ll be many more library trips in the future. It’s nice to think that she will go to the same little Victorian library that I visited as a child.


Happy 9 weeks Mae, you are so loved. Xxx

One Response to “9 weeks old”

  1. Abigail @ Rosy Hill January 25, 2014 at 11:10 am #

    Ah, congratulations, she’s lovely. I like it when they get past the first couple of months and start talking and smiling and reacting to the world. Have fun with her! x

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